
Explore Bolzano

Client: Verkehrsamt der Stadt Bozen

Format: Imagefilm, Video Marketing Campaign

Length: 3 x 3 min | 3 x 90 sec

Language: De, It, En

Service: Concept, Casting, Locationscouting, Translation, Subtitles, Voice Talent

Location: Kellerei Bozen, Schloss Runkelstein, Schloss Maretsch, MMM Firmian, Merkantilmuseum, Museion, Südtiroler Archäologiemuseum, Naturmuseum Südtirol, Hotel Città, NOI Techpark, Rorherhaus Sarnthein, Leifers, Jenesien

Protagonist: Reinhold Messner

High-profile testimonials promote sustainable mobility and the countless benefits of the Bolzano Card as the film footage takes viewers on a journey around Bolzano and the surrounding area.