The Bolzano Bozen Experience
Client: Verkehrsamt der Stadt Bozen
Format: Imagefilm
Length: 5 min, 1 min
Language: En
Service: Concept, Casting, Locationscouting
Location: Kellerei Bozen, Schloss Runkelstein, Schloss Maretsch, MMM Firmian, Merkantilmuseum, Museion, Südtiroler Archäologiemuseums, Fondazione Antonio Dalle Nogare, Buratti, Wirtshaus Vögele, Castel Hörtenberg, Hotel Città, NOI Techpark
This rapid, dynamic sequence of images creates an irresistibly mesmerising pull. The film floats over the rooftops of Bolzano and is shown in split screens to capture the variety of Bolzano, a city which offers both its citizens and guests meaningful experiences every month of the year.